Today we are talking with Libby Wildman, Head of Wealth Advisory at Davis Rea, Founder of the Collective, and Creator of Liminal Escapes.

Libby founded her own Wealth Management company over 30 years ago and has been working in the financial world to help people achieve their goal of financial freedom faster. For many years she found herself being the only female in the boardroom and decided to form The Collective to bring women together, give them a place and allow them to do business on their own terms. She has also just launched Liminal Escapes to bring people together who have a desire to explore themselves on a deeper level. Liminal Escapes offer retreats for small groups of adventurers to come together for a unique experience in a magical place with experts that will provide them with a transformational experience. This is perfect for people that crave community, adventures in nature and self-discovery.

Libby loves helping people and is a natural connector. That is at her core. She is always asking how she can help and is more than willing to support people in their endeavors. If Libby can help you, she will and if she can’t just connect you to another person that can help you.

One of the things I appreciate about Libby is her willingness to share and to connect the right people together. She is warm, welcoming and goes above and beyond to create meaningful events and is an exceptional example of a female who goes above and beyond to create opportunities for women in the entrepreneurial space.

Every time I speak with Libby, I always walk away feeling refreshed with two or three new resources to review or people to connect with.
I am sure you will find more than one or two things to take away from this podcast.

In this episode, Libby and I discuss the following:

      • Importance of being a good host to make people feel comfortable at your events
        How and why to make sure people are the right fit for your community
      • Why it is important to make sure clients feel comfortable with you, want to work with you and that you build a business with people you like working with
      • How your childhood shapes you and can impact your decisions, actions, and career path
      • Value of working for a large corporation early in your career and learning how to sink or swim in the workplace
      • Benefits and drawbacks of being the only female in the boardrooms and how you need to hold your energy in a different way to be successful
      • Figuring out how to be the best you can be by doing the work around who you are, and accepting what you discover
      • How to remove the glass ceiling
        What humans are really afraid of when it comes to using their special gifts and allowing themselves to go for it
      • What happens when you dim your light and stop shining as bright
      • How coaches and mentors can help guide you through so many different aspects of your life to help you move forward or level up
      • Why continuing to learn and grow is so meaningful to continue moving forward
      • Importance of attracting clients that also want you to win
      • Rewiring your brain to change your state to give you a different perspective
      • Why you should know your money story
      • Becoming a trusted source so your clients will share their fears and insecurities and you can then help them feel good about where they are and where they are going
      • Meaning of Liminal
      • What it means to be in a transition phase
      • The three human lies and how they take turns showing up in your life
      • Importance of working on self connection to help create more abundance or feel peace and accept who you really are
      • How to differentiate yourself from others in the same industry
      • How money decisions can impact a family
      • Value of understanding and caring about your clients to figure out what is best for them
      • The secret to long term relationships
      • The challenges of being a fixer
      • Fear of failure vs fear of rejection and how that impacts your ability to perform
      • Biggest problem with what the next generation and what they should do to avoid the “find your passion” trap
      • Identifying your natural skill set and then using them to set yourself up for success
      • Why people misbehave and why you should give people the benefit of the doubt
      • What people find most attractive? And it is not what you think.
      • What your energy says about you
      • Figuring out what you need and outgrowing relationships – even the one with yourself
      • Challenges of being a single mom and running a business
      • Being good at communicating why you are busy with those you love and using the appropriate language to describe it
      • Why hustling is important in business and in your career
      • Recognizing who you can help and not saying yes to too many people


I loved this conversation with Libby, and I hope you do too!

If you would like more information on Libby, you can visit:

Linkedin – https://www.linkedin.com/in/libbywildman/

Listen to this podcast on Spotify, Google PodcastiTunes or click play below to stream it.

If you have a minute, leave a short review here, or send me an email to tell me what other guests I should have on the podcast.