

Today we are talking with Monika Tupholme, CEO of Monika Tupholme.com and Mojo Moni.

Monika otherwise known as Moni, took the leap to officially launch http://www.monikatupholme.com after years of juggling her corporate sales job, and her health and wellness side hustle all while raising a young family. She decided to go all in and put her efforts into one of her passion’s after recognizing that she could help others with things she had struggled with after she turned 40.

Moni has over 25 years of experience as a certified Personal Trainer, Functional and Performance Nutritionist and Fitness Expert. She has a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry, Biology, and Chemistry. As a 49 year old Mom of 2 (3 if you count her hubby) she is a respected athlete and sought-after performance and fat loss specialist who works with busy, athletic women over 40+++ to help them lose hormonal inches and reconnect with who they really are.   She is also the founder and creator of The 3M System to Rev Your Over 40 Metabolism and often appears in national online and print publications. Besides working with hundreds of women in 2021, she also became an Amazon Best Seller for her contribution to the book Pursuit: 365.

Moni is great at sharing pieces of her life that most women over 40 can relate to. She is not afraid to be vulnerable and is willing to share her own experiences to help others. She has combined her personal and professional experience with her knowledge to create powerful solutions to help women figure out where and how to get started. It is all about metabolism, fat loss, and performance with solutions for meal prepping, exercise and managing stress plus so much more.

One of the things I love about Moni is that she is constantly giving. She really does want to help people with their health and wellness and is invested in their journey.

Every time I speak with Moni I learn something new, have a good laugh or feel refreshed.

I am sure you will find more than one or two things to take away from this podcast.

In this episode, Moni and I discuss the following:

      • Life skills and lessons you learn from participating in sports and being on teams
      • How great coaches can provide additional opportunities that can help shape your future
      • Importance of teaching kids to stand on their own, manage expectations and become resilient
      • Role of a parent when your kids are participating in sports
      • Value of an off season, avoiding overuse and preventing injury
      • Playing varsity sports in the United States as a Canadian athlete
      • How perseverance can help you through difficult times
      • What happens when someone believes in you
      • Secret to being successful at college while balancing playing women’s varsity volleyball, studying and having fun
      • Embracing the fear of the unknown
      • Living in a foreign country where you don’t speak the language
      • Life as a professional athlete and knowing when it is time to move on
      • Transitioning from indoor volleyball to the beach court to becoming a marketing and sales professional
      • Starting a side hustle and then deciding to be your own box while on maternity leave with a young family
      • How asking for help from someone in your industry can be beneficial
      • The in’s and out’s of being an entrepreneur on the day to day
      • Challenges of starting a business
      • Why it is difficult but so important to identify the right customer for your business
      • Why comparing yourself to others can be detrimental
      • Knowing when to shift your brand based on how you can best serve your clients and becoming more niche
      • Knowing how to talk to your client and identifying when a client is not the right fit
      • How and why you need to make it easy for your clients
      • Challenges of operating a business in a billion dollar industry
      • Why you should give your community some quick wins, value and connection
      • Benefits of operating your own business
      • Importance of teaching people the why
      • The role, responsibilities and values of a good coach
      • Biggest value and biggest curse of entrepreneurship or running your own business
      • Why you should have a coach with different areas of your life
      • Why you should invest in yourself and take time to work on yourself
      • Being authentic with your audience
      • Importance of finding what works
      • What happens internally and externally as you age
      • Importance of staying focused on what is working and avoiding shiny new distractions
      • Learning and following a system to find success
      • Discovering what you need to work on and doing things that make you feel uncomfortable
      • How learning and growing promotes good changes that will help you be successful
      • Importance to focusing on revenue generating opportunities
      • What you should do if you want your business to keep growing
      • Have to put in the work and time
      • Percentage of online courses that are actually completed
      • Why it is important to stay connected to your clients to help them move through your programs
      • Why you should check in with yourself on a regular basis

I loved this conversation with Moni, and I hope you do too!

If you would like more information on Moni, you can visit:

Instagram – @monika_tupholme

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/mojomoni

Website – https://www.monikatupholme.com/

Listen to this podcast on Spotify, Google PodcastiTunes or click play below to stream it.

If you have a minute, leave a short review here, or send me an email to tell me what other guests I should have on the podcast.