Randy Thomas is an actor and the founder of The Actor Advantage Program. He has had a very diverse and interesting journey to acting. He went from running a family marketing call center business in Moncton to running from audition to audition in Toronto. He discovered his love for performing when he participated in and won local “sexiest guy” like competitions in the Maritime and ended up on tour with Mike Malibu Mills and The American Hunks. His journey is very similar to Magic Mike, yes you know the movie. Randy however decided to jump off the exotic male dance train and move to the world of Film and TV.

This East Coaster from Moncton, New Brunswick is committed to his craft. He moved from the Maritime to Montreal and then landed in Toronto hosting “The Green Room”, an internet radio show. He is very passionate about people being able to earn a living doing whatever it is that they love. He has over 20 years of experience in the Film and TV industry and has openly talked about the struggles of being a starving artist. Randy has had success in landing reoccurring roles in three TV series as of late and finally feels like he has figured out how to work the industry instead of letting it work him. He shares his knowledge with other actors in The Actor Advantage Program, which is growing larger everyday.

This is a guy that knows what he wants, and will work hard to get it. He is a natural disrupter just by being frank, open and honest about who he is, where he wants to go and his thoughts in general. There is definitely never a dull moment when Randy is around!

In this episode, Randy and I discuss the following:

  • Importance of listening to your inside voice when it tells you there are opportunities in your mist
  • How hosting The Green Room impacted his journey
  • How to be a good networker and the importance of how you make people feel
  • Benefits and challenges of growing up on the East Coast
  • How social media is changing the world and how it impacts your life both personally and professionally
  • Challenges of being young, working for a family business and the guilt associated with failing
  • Importance of trying different jobs when you are young so you can learn who you are and what you want to do
  • How ego and pride affect decision making
  • Figuring out what you do best and then being accountable for your time and actions
  • Scheduling what matters, doing the work and mastering what you want to do
  • Recognizing an opportunity, taking the risk and realizing it can lead to other opportunities
  • Any type of business is about relationships, knowing your customers and getting repeat business (Yes, even when you are an exotic dancer or stripper)
  • Knowing the 80/20 rule
  • Importance of being good at what you do so people will take you seriously
  • Recognizing the need to make changes and figuring out how to win by building your own personal brand
  • Identify how to network within a specific industry to earn the respect of key decision makers
  • Challenges of being a natural disrupter and sometimes being misunderstood
  • The basics about the Actor Advantage Program, why it was created and how it can help others
  • The role of an agent vs having a coach or a mentor
  • Importance of identifying your niche, focusing on it and wining it
  • Working through self sabotage and the fear of success
  • Importance of nurturing relationships
  • And, much more.

I enjoyed this conversation with Randy and I hope you do too!

If you would like more information on Randy you can visit:


Listen to the podcast on Spotify, Google PodcastiTunes or click play below to stream it.

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