Do not think you can build it and they will come. You will spend time building it but you will also need to spend time growing your business. In fact, this never seems to end but in the beginning, it almost seems painful. You have to have the patience to allow it to grow. And, speaking from experience it never grows as quickly as you would like and if you don’t have a great marketing plan with a pretty healthy budget guess what, you are going organic, which means it will be even slower. In this day and age, it is tough to break through all the noise that is out there.
There is no such thing as overnight success. And, if you don’t believe me just head on over to Entpreneur.com and review the article 5 Inspiring Guys who prove Overnight Success is BS.
The reality is there are a lot of long days, late nights and no sleep. There are so many things you need to do to be successful and guess what, I absolutely love Tim Ferris but four hours a week is not going to make it happen, especially when you are just starting out.
You will miss out on special occasions, not be able to do what you want when you want, and at times will have to put your personal needs on the backburner. That big event with your besties that you have been planning for months just might get interrupted with a business emergency or better yet an amazing opportunity. Be ready to be adaptable and change your personal plans on a dime.
Even if things don’t happen as quickly as you would like, you have to be ready to go the distance. A lot of people give up on their business before it really has a chance to grow so be realistic with your expectations, especially around timing and success.
Until next time,