Take Actions to Achieve Your Goals
Life never seems to go according to plan. The Universe loves to send us challenges every now and then to make sure we are paying attention and sometimes the obstacles make us think twice about what we are doing.
It is so important at your core to know when you really want to make something happen.
If you really want it, you will stop at nothing to achieve it.
Early in my life I was probably a bit of a bull in a china shop, there was no stopping me. If I wanted something I would go after it. Not once did I ever think I couldn’t do something. (Within reason of course – keep in mind I grew up in a very small town so my dreams might have been much simpler than most.)
If you put in the work success will come.
That is what I had been taught on the basketball court. (Yes, in my early years basketball was my first true love… then volleyball came along and destroyed that relationship.)
For some reason as we get older our dreams get bigger but at the same time and somewhere along the way self doubt creeps in.
You don’t really believe all of these things that other people say about you.
“You are so smart and successful.”
“You are so nice. Everyone likes you.”
“You are so great and always motivate me.”
You are also much more aware of where you are and where you want to be. You know how much hard work you are going to need to put in to make your next big dream happen.
And, then out of no where self doubt creeps in for a variety of reasons and all of a sudden, it’s not the universe sending you obstacles, you are creating them yourself.
You are making them up. You are self-sabotaging. You are your biggest challenge.
You let negative thoughts stop you from moving forward.
You make excuses about why something will never work.
You let your actions sabotage you and provide hard proof that it will never work.
Here is the kicker:
The only person who can change the negative thoughts – is you.
The only person who can change the narrative from excuses to reasons why you should do it – is you.
The only person who can take actions that move you towards your goal – is you.
You need to work on your mindset, you need to believe you can do it and you need to take actions that will move you in the right direction.
Just remember sometimes the smallest steps at the beginning might be the most difficult but as long as you keep moving one foot in from of the other in the right direction you will be able to get around your obstacles and you will create a new path forward.
Take Action: Overcome Your Biggest Obstacle & Start Taking Actions to Achieve your Goal
Use this worksheet to help you.
- What is “one thing” you want to do or achieve in the next 3-6 months?
- What is your biggest challenge?
- What are the negative thoughts that you have about your “one thing”?
- How can you change the negative thoughts to positive thoughts?
- What are the excuses you are telling yourself, so you don’t make this “one thing” happen?
- What are the real reasons why you should do this “one thing”?
- What are actions you should be taking to make this “one thing” a reality?
- When are you going to take these actions?
- Who are you going to talk to this about that can help support you in taking these actions on time?
- How are you going to feel if you accomplish this “one thing”?
If you are struggling, just remember how you will feel if you accomplish this “one thing” and keep working to get that feeling.
Let me know how this goes for you! I hope you are taking the right steps to accomplish your dreams!
Until next time!
I research, write and produce all my content.
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