
  • LESLIE BRADFORD-SCOTT – ON OVERCOMING CHALLENGES, SURVIVING & MOVING FORWARD Leslie Bradford-Scott is a female entrepreneur that has the right ingredients to create a skincare empire. She went from being a broke single mom to becoming a co-founder of Walton Wood Farm. Her journey has not been an easy one. It is an incredible story […]

  • BE PATIENT ALL GOOD THINGS TAKE TIME Do not think you can build it and they will come. You will spend time building it but you will also need to spend time growing your business.  In fact, this never seems to end but in the beginning, it almost seems painful. You have to have the […]

  • FUNK ROBERTS – ON THE IMPORTANCE OF GETTING IT DONE, GRINDING AND BEING THE BEST Funk Roberts is a fitness entrepreneur who is killing it online. He went from being a beach bum, to creating a successful business that was built with passion, desire and drive. He started out playing professional beach volleyball, moved into […]