
  • EPISODE 10 – TONIA WILSON – ON BEING KIND, WORKING HARD, AND MAKING YOUR OWN LUCK Tonia Wilson is a Chef, Wine Sommelier, Beer Sommelier, Author and Food Entrepreneur. Tonia’s love of food began when she was studying in France and it inspired her to enrol in a Culinary Arts Program. Tonia has travelled, worked, […]

  • JUST SAY NO, SO YOU ARE READY TO SAY YES One of the biggest mistakes you can make when you start a business is to say yes to everyone and everything. Can you participate at this event?  Of course. Can you help me sell this product?  Yes, definitely. Can you donate to this cause? Sure.  […]

  • LEARN TO LOVE THE GRIND, PUT IN THE TIME, ENERGY & WORK Are you ready to put your back into it? Being an entrepreneur requires you to be tenacious and to keep going when that might be the last thing you want to do. True entrepreneurship can crush your soul. You will be rejected, people […]

  • DAVELLE MORRISON – ON BEING PREPARED FOR LIFE CHANGES, MAKING THE MOST OF EVERY SITUATION AND THE IMPORTANCE OF MEDITATION Davelle Morrison is currently a sales representative for Bosley Real Estate and a real estate investor. She started out in the corporate world doing ad sales by day and in the evenings and on weekends […]

  • BE PATIENT ALL GOOD THINGS TAKE TIME Do not think you can build it and they will come. You will spend time building it but you will also need to spend time growing your business.  In fact, this never seems to end but in the beginning, it almost seems painful. You have to have the […]

  • FUNK ROBERTS – ON THE IMPORTANCE OF GETTING IT DONE, GRINDING AND BEING THE BEST Funk Roberts is a fitness entrepreneur who is killing it online. He went from being a beach bum, to creating a successful business that was built with passion, desire and drive. He started out playing professional beach volleyball, moved into […]

  • TAKE THE LEAP. KNOW THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE UGLY Nowadays it seems like everyone wants to be an entrepreneur, which was originally used to describe people who were creative innovators that disrupted society. Now, it is being used to describe everyone from a “sales rep” for a multilevel marketing company to “influencers” on […]